
《中华儿科杂志》为中国科协主管,中华医学会主办的我国儿科医学领域惟一的高级学术期刊,创刊于1950年。现为月刊,80面/期,面向国内外公开发行。 读者对象:儿科临床、科研与教学人员,儿童保健工作者。陈翠贞、邓金鎏、诸福棠、周华康、江载芳、吴希如、杨锡强等儿科界著名专家历任总编辑,现任总编辑桂永浩教授。本刊办刊宗旨:理论与实践相结合,重在实践;基础与临床相结合,重在临床;普及与提高相结合,重在提高。为促进我国儿科医学领域的学术交流服务;为我国儿科医学事业的发展与提高服务;为培养我国的儿科医学人才服务;为我国儿童的健康服务。办刊方针:专家办刊,编委会办刊。报道重点:儿科医学领域的新理论、新成果、新方法、新技术及成熟的临床经验。

《中华儿科杂志》是中国核心期刊,是中国期刊方阵中的双效期刊,代表儿科医学领域最高学术水平。被14个国内外权威数据库或工具书收录:中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD);万方数据库系统;美国国立医学图书馆医学索引(MEDLINE);俄罗斯文摘杂志(AJ);生物学文摘 (BIOSIS PREVIEW);癌症文摘(CANCERLIT);生物学文摘(Biological Abstracts)等。



主办单位:中华医学会 刊社地址:北京市东四西大街42号

邮政编码: 100710 电子信箱:cjp@cma.org.cn



国内刊号:CN 11-2140/R

国际刊号:ISSN 0578-1310

电话:86-10-85158220 传真:86-10-85158359



Chinese Journal of Pediatrics (CJP) is a high-ranked scientific periodical in the fields of pediatric medicine in China supervised by Chinese Association of Science and Technology (CAST) and sponsored by Chinese Medical Association (CMA); CJP was founded in 1950; it is now a monthly journal with 80 pages per issue, and is distributed in an open way domestically and internationally. The target readers include pediatric clinicians, research and teaching professionals and child health care workers. Well known experts in pediatrics, Drs. Chen Cui-zhen, Deng Jin-xi, Zhu Fu-tang (Chu Fu-tang), Zhou Hua-kang, Jiang Zai-fang, Wu Xi-ru and Yang Xi-qiang worked as the editors-in-chief of the journal, and the present editor-in-chief is Professor Gui Yong-hao. The purpose of this journal is to combine theories with practice while emphasizing practice; to combine basic sciences with clinics while emphasizing clinics; and to combine popularization with rising the level of knowledge and techniques while emphasizing rising. CJP also aims at serving promotion of academic exchanges in the fields of pediatrics, serves the development and improvement of pediatric medicine in China and serves the health of children. The policy of CJP is to run the journal with the help and guidance of experts and the editorial board. The major contents of the journal are novel theories, new achievements, new methods, new techniques and well accepted clinical experience.

CJP is one of the kernel periodicals in China, and it is a dual-benefit journal in the Chinese Phalanx of Periodicals, therefore it represents the highest academic level of pediatric medicine in China. CJP is accepted by a number of domestic and international authoritative databases or reference books, including Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database (CSTPCD), Wanfang Data System, Medline of the US Natiojnal Library of Medicine, Russian Abstract Journal (AJ), Biosis Preview, Cancerlit, and Biological Abstracts.

CJP obtained the Title of “Chinese One Hundred Outstanding Academic Journals” for 10 years continuously, financial assistance from “CAST Exquisite Journals of Science and Technology Engineering Project” for 7 years continuously. The 2011 Citation Report of Chinese Chinese Scince and Technology Journals showed that in the 1998 statistics source journals, CJP got a comprehensive score of 86.8, ranked at the 26th, and ranked at the 3rd among the medical journals.

CJP accepts manuscripts from both Chinese and foreign authors, and follows the rules of peer review and double blind review. The journal makes its layout according to international standard format and has English page of copyright, English table of contents of every article, and detailed English abstract of each original article. The major columns include: original articles, editorials, experts' forum, clinical research and practice (clinical original article), case reports, debates, reviews, lectures, clinical case discussions, conference summaries, standards, protocols, and guidelines, interpretation of guidelines, book and journal review, and Rapid Pathway , etc.